International Market Centers

Resources Updated for Americasmart Open Year Round Collection

AmericasMart® Atlanta kicks off its 2021 Open Year Round selling with 13 updates to its 350+ open daily showroom collection and the first of six Market Wednesday buying events in 2021 scheduled for February 3, 2021.

“Daily traffic to AmericasMart’s Open Year Round collection is a vibrant part of IMC’s buying and selling year,” notes Scott Eckman, IMC chief revenue officer. “In the first half of 2021 we are focused on getting designers and retailers back to business with accessible resources and sourcing opportunities.”

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The new Open Year Round UMA Enterprises showroom at AmericasMart

Marketplace Updates

The 13 new, expanded and relocated Open Year Round showrooms represent nearly 100,000 square feet of updated showroom space. They join some 350+ showrooms on 29 floors that are open Mondays through Fridays at AmericasMart. Updates to the five Open Year Round floors in Building 1 include one new showroom Artists Guild of America (original art), plus 12 relocations: Abigails (tabletop and decorative accessories), Authentic Models (furniture, artifacts and accessories), Bethel International (lighting, furniture, mirrors and accessories, Bramble & Steven Shell (furniture), Crestview Collection (lighting, accent furniture, and accessories), Joel Robinson & Associates (representing 12 home décor and commercial design brands), The Sherwin-Williams Company (paint), UMA Enterprises (home décor and home furnishings), Veronica Flam (representing 28 home décor brands), Zentique (home furnishings and accent décor), Zeugma (pottery, copper, wood lighting and mirrors handcrafted by Mediterranean artisans) and Zuo Décor (indoor and outdoor living, lighting, mirrors and home décor).

AmericasMart’s Open Year Round home decor collection features 140+ showrooms in Building 1, with 350+ lighting, accent furniture, rugs, wall décor, casual furniture and linens brands plus 100+ commercial design brands. The gift collection features more than 130 multi-line representative groups and branded showrooms throughout Buildings 1 and 2 with gift, lifestyle, gourmet, tabletop, holiday / floral and outdoor living product. In apparel, 80+ Cash & Carry showrooms and some six children’s apparel showrooms on Building 3, Floor 13 are open every day. For a full list of showrooms, visit

Adapted Buying Opportunities

During Market Wednesdays, buyer can shop all three AmericasMart buildings for gifts, accessories, home furnishings, apparel and more. The events feature additional showroom resources and many exhibitors offer special discounts and buying incentives such as no minimum orders or free shipping (information available online at Market Wednesday are held the first Wednesday in February, April, June, August, October and December. Open Year Round educational programming is currently offered as webinars in concert with buyer sentiments and IMC’s safety protocols.

Designer Relations Manager Tasha Norland is on campus to offer socially distant tours and assistance to buyers by appointment while the Designer Workspace and resource library remain closed. To schedule an appointment, visit

AmericasMart’s Open Year Round collection is open Mondays – Fridays from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. For additional information, visit

All visitors to AmericasMart must follow IMC’s Together Safely protocols which include the required use of PPE, temperature checks and social distancing. Details are available at

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