Where is the closest office supply store?
Some office supplies, such as paper, pens, staples, etc. can be found at FedEx (located in AmericasMart Building 3, Floor 8, showroom number 8-W354). For a larger selection, Staples is located on Ponce de Leon in midtown Atlanta.
Where is the nearest pharmacy?
CVS is located inside the Peachtree Center Mall on Peachtree Street. You can contact them by calling 404.577.4054 or by visiting CVS.com.
Who do I contact at AmericasMart in the event of an emergency?
Security/Emergency: 404.220.2553 (All Buildings 24 Hours/Day)
First Aid/All Buildings: 404.220.2554
Security Headquarters: 404.220.2553
Who is the service contractor/decorator for temporary booths?
The George Fern Company is AmericasMart's service contractor and decorator for shows. Their offices are located at 4361 International Parkway, Hapeville, Georgia, 30354.
Contact information for exhibitor help:
Toll Free: 1.800.201.1370
Business: 404.921.9904
Local International: 404.941.8963
Email: [email protected]
What should I do about solicitors?
Solicitation is not permitted in AmericasMart Atlanta. If solicitors enter your showroom, please notify security immediately at 404.220.2553.
If suspicious or undesirable persons are seen loitering in or around your showroom area, please notify security immediately at 404.220.2553.
NOTE: All personnel should have an ID badge. Feel free to request to see anyone's badge you think is suspicious. Security is everyone's business—help us help you.
What if my showroom is too hot or too cold?
Please contact the Property Management representative for your building.
Building 1: 404.220.2340
Building 2: 404.220.2590
Building 3: 404.220.2880
What if an electrical circuit or outlet malfunctions?
Please contact the Property Management representative for your building.
Building 1: 404.220.2340
Building 2: 404.220.2590
Building 3: 404.220.2880
What if the hallway or restroom needs cleaning and/or maintenance?
Please contact the Property Management representative for your building.
Building 1: 404.220.2340
Building 2: 404.220.2590
Building 3: 404.220.2880
Who do I call for an appointment at the loading dock?
Contact the shipping supervisor for your building:
AmericasMart Building 1:
Eric Nealy - 404.220.2355
AmericasMart Building 2:
Michael Smith - 404.220.2595
AmericasMart Building 3:
Matt Walker - 404.220.2884
What are the business hours that I can access my showroom?
If you have a permanent ID badge, you may enter your showroom at your convenience. However, from 7:00 p.m. — 7:00 a.m. you must enter through security, located on the loading dock of each building. Showroom personnel that enter after-hours are required to sign-in and out with security. If you need an escort to your car, please let security know when you sign-out for the night.
NOTE: Showrooms left unattended should be locked. In case of a break-in, theft or emergency, call security at 404.220.2553. Showroom security evaluations are available by contacting security.
What are the deadlines for shipping before/during a show?
Please refer to the Markets Dates page and contact the AmeicasMart Logistics Office at [email protected] or at 877.588.8930 for shipping deadlines.
Where do I find current market dates and hours?
Visit our Markets Dates page for upcoming shows. Hours will be posted next to the show dates as soon as they are available.
Can I sell samples during a show?
AmericasMart is an order-writing facility and strongly discourages the sale of samples during shows, excluding the Spring and Fall Cash & Carry shows.
Where/how do I get AmericasMart permanent ID badges?
ID badges may be obtained from the Operations department, located on Ted Turner Drive (formerly Spring Street) next to the AmericasMart 2 parking garage. To make an appointment or for help, please contact 404.220.3076. Operations is open weekdays from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. You must have required paperwork in-hand or fax it to 678.686.5294 before 4 p.m. one day prior to your scheduled appointment.
Photo ID Requirements
Temporary employees such as designers, manufacturer's representatives, market employees with a temporary market badge and family members DO NOT qualify for a photo ID and must obtain a badge through registration to gain entry.
Note: Business cards are not considered authorization from a showroom owner/manager.
Showroom personnel may receive photo IDs if ONE or more of the following is met:
1. Maintain key authorization with property management. A copy of your showroom's key authorization list with your name on it is required. Contact the property management office for your building (located in the loading dock) or call: AmericasMart 1 (404.220.2340), AmericasMart 2 (404.220.2590), or AmericasMart 3 (404.220.2880).
2. Work in the showroom every day on a permanent, daily basis. Those who do not have key authorization but work in a showroom daily will need a signed and dated letter on company letterhead.
3. Showroom owners, presidents or managers may present either key authorization or the first and signature page of their current lease.
4. If you are an owner or president and do not live in Atlanta, but would like to obtain a photo ID, send the company's key authorization list with your name on it to the address below. Showroom managers may send a key authorization or a letter on company letterhead signed by the owner or president. Mail to:
Attn: Photo ID Administrator
240 Peachtree Street, NW, Suite 2200
Atlanta, GA 30303
Operations must receive all appropriate paperwork before a photo ID will be issued. For assistance or more information, please call 404.220.3076 or 404.220.2570.
Where do I go for help with the Exhibitor Portal?
Click here for more information about setting up your Digital Showroom and answers to Frequently Asked Questions concerning your Exhibitor Portal.
Who do I contact for questions about my leasing bill?
For all questions concerning your bill, please contact our hotline at: 404.220.3090.
Can you recommend a caterer?
Classic Fare Catering is AmericasMart's in-house caterer. Located on site and delivering fresh and delicious food, Classic Fare has a large menu selection that's perfect for all your events. Special market rates too! Call 404.220.2258 or email [email protected] for more information.
Who do I call for heating and air conditioning issues?
Heating and air conditioning are provided weekdays from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. and as needed during markets and other events. Prior to markets, A/C hours will be expanded to accommodate set-up activity. There is a charge for heating and A/C requests beyond the normal operating periods. For more information, contact property management in your building.
Building 1: 404.220.2340
Building 2: 404.220.2590
Building 3: 404.220.2880
What address do I use to ship product to my showroom?
AmericasMart 1
Your Company Name
Showroom # and Fl. #
240 Peachtree ST NW
Atlanta, GA 30303-1327
AmericasMart 2
Your Company Name
Showroom # and Fl. #
230 Ted Turner Drive (formerly Spring Street)
Atlanta, GA 30303-1327
AmericasMart 2 West
Your Company Name
Showroom # and Fl. #
235 Williams Street, N.W.
Atlanta, GA 30303-1327
AmericasMart 3
Your Company Name
Your Booth Number (Floor# - Booth#)(i.e. 3-900)
For: Atlanta Apparel Market
AmericasMart/Building 3
75 John Portman Boulevard NW
Atlanta, GA 30303
Who do I contact about trash pickup or other housekeeping concerns?
Please contact a customer service representative from your building.
Building 1: 404.220.2340
Building 2: 404.220.2590
Building 3: 404.220.2880
Who is in charge of leasing for the temporary exhibitors?
For more information about temporary booth space at Atlanta Market, as well as our Atlanta Apparel Markets, Contact Us.
How do I get keys for my showroom?
Contact your building's Property Management representative.
Building 1: 404.220.2340
Building 2: 404.220.2590
Building 3: 404.220.2880
Who do I contact about advertising opportunities?
Please visit Advertising Opportunities to learn more.
What comes with the booth?
Unless otherwise noted in the Exhibitor Service Manual, the booth package includes: 2 draped tables (4', 6' or 8'), 2 folding chairs, 2 un-draped table risers, 1 wastebasket, and a booth identification sign. NOTE: These items will NOT be provided unless you complete your Show Package Order Form (located in the Exhibitor Service Manual) and return it by the published deadline. Failure to submit your Show Package Order Form will result in a late penalty or a floor rate charge if ordered on-site during move-in. Any on-site changes or substitutions to table sizes that were ordered will result in the standard floor rate.
NOTE: Make ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that you keep copies of all forms as well as copies of the confirmed fax transmissions related to this form submission.
Should I put carpet down in my booth or is there carpet provided?
While most exhibit halls are already carpeted, custom flooring lends a finished look to your booth and is strongly encouraged. Remember, flooring does not need to be expensive to be effective. We do NOT recommend the use of grey carpet as it blends with existing flooring.
NOTE: All carpeted and non-carpeted floors are listed in the Exhibitor Service Manual.
REMINDER: All juried areas require custom flooring; please refer to the Exhibitor Service Manual.
What is the length of the tables that come with the booth?
Unless otherwise noted in the Exhibitor Service Manual, you have your choice of 4', 6', or 8' tables, or any combination. Please be aware that 8' tables may not fit properly in booths containing a column.
What is the dimension of the pipe used to frame the booth?
One and 1/2 inch in diameter.
How much weight can hang from the pipes used to drape off the booths?
The pipe is made to support drape only and is not intended to support anything else. Exhibitors should plan appropriately for display items that need to be hung.
Can I store my empty boxes behind my booth?
NO. Most booths share a back wall with another booth so storage space is not available. All empties should be marked with EMPTY stickers, available at the Show Decorator Service Desk. The Show Decorator will store empties at no charge and return at Show closing. (Empty return takes 4-6 hours; please be patient.)
Do I need extra lights? Are there spotlights in my booth?
The exhibit halls are well lit with general overhead lighting. However, if you need additional lighting to spotlight product (especially jewelry), then you may wish to order it; do this through the Order Services icon in the Exhibitor Portal.
Is there an electrical outlet in my booth?
NO. Electrical rates are less expensive if ordered in advance through the Order Services icon within the Exhibitor Portal.
How do I get my merchandise to my booth?
If your product was shipped in advance to the AmericasMart Warehouse, it will be delivered by the first day of move-in to your booth. If you elect to bring your product by privately owned vehicle (POV), your product will be unloaded at the loading dock and delivered to your booth for the cost of the POV cart / load fees as described in the Exhibitor Service Manual. If you ship your product directly to Show site, product will be moved into booth for the material handling fee. TIPPING IS NOT ALLOWED. Please report any tipping to the Fern Expositions service desk on your exhibit floor.
I'm happy with the Show, but my booth neighbor isn't and won't stop insisting I see things his way, hindering my ability to help prospective buyers. How do I handle this?
Buyers can feel negative energy and tension, which does not encourage them to linger and write orders. Remember to listen only to yourself and not buy into unhappy exhibitors forcing their opinion on you. Many factors go into having a good show, and being prepared before, during, and after Market plays a big role. While management is sensitive to exhibitor issues, we ask that you please do not voice your complaints in the aisles, but rather privately in the show office. Our buyers should feel welcomed so that both you and they have a terrific show!
Can I bring boxes on the passenger elevators with me?
Yes. Items you can hand carry are permitted on the passenger elevator. If you require a dolly or other means of transporting the item, it must come through the freight elevators.
Can I bring a hand truck on the passenger elevators and escalators with me?
NO. Floats and dollies are not permitted on the passenger elevators or escalators. Please go to the loading dock.
What is First Look Lobby Displays (formerly Holiday Hall)?
It's a unique display of freestanding, unmanned vignettes along the most trafficked common areas of AmericasMart Buildings 1, 2 and 3. Call Natillia Robinson at 404.220.2127 to learn more.
What's the best way to display my products?
The aesthetic appeal of your booth presentation plays an important role in establishing your company image at Market. See helpful videos with insider tips from seasoned exhibitors on the AmericasMart Youtube page for some merchandising tips. If you are not the "creative type," contact one of the design professionals listed in the Exhibitor Service Manual.
What is the best location at the Show?
The best location for you will be within the category that is appropriate for your merchandise. Many exhibitors prefer corners (custom booth required) as they offer double aisle exposure. There is an additional charge for corner locations, and you must supply a photo of your booth. If you carry products that fit into multiple categories, you should participate within the collection that accommodates 80% or more of your items. To reconfirm that you are in the proper category, review the category descriptions in your Exhibitor Prospectus.
How are the temporaries divided between the three buildings?
View our Temporaries page for an overview of categories and locations.
Can I get a listing of all the exhibitors at Atlanta Market?
For a complete exhibitor listing, pick up a copy of The Atlanta Market Buyer's Guide at any registration desk or visit the online exhibitor directory.
Can I get a listing of all the buyers at Atlanta Market?
No, out of respect for the privacy of our attendees, we cannot release buyers' names.
What's an un-draped riser?
An unfinished board with hinged legs that can sit on top of the table for additional display area. It comes in the lengths of the tables (4', 6' or 8'), is 12" wide and 12" tall. We highly recommend either ordering drape or bringing your own fabric to cover them.
How do I order more tables and chairs?
Please complete the Fern order form in the Exhibitor Service Manual.
Is this a hardwall show or pipe-and-drape?
Unless otherwise noted in the Exhibitor Service Manual, the booth package provides pipe-and-drape 8' back and side walls. Gourmet has 3' side walls to promote visibility. HIGH DESIGN® exhibitors are provided with floor space only.
What color is the drape?
White, in all areas.
What are the height restrictions?
We have an 8' height restriction in most areas. Refer to your floor plan and/or invoice for booths with clearance of less than 8'. NOTE: Some booths do not allow for a full 8'.
Can I attach/nail anything to the columns?
NO. Exhibitors must not damage or deface the exhibition facility. When such damage occurs, the exhibitor responsible is liable for all costs related to the damage.
Who do I call for electrical questions?
If you have any electrical questions not answered on your electrical form, please call Hope Clark at 404.220.2244.
Who do I call for exhibitor badges?
To request Market badges for yourself and your staff, log in to the Exhibitor Portal and click the "Get Badges" icon. Badges may be picked up at the exhibitor registration counter on-site at Market. A photo ID is required.
Who do I call for shipping questions?
See shipping information in the Exhibitor Service Manual. Additional charges will apply if your freight exceeds dimensions and/or weight.
How big can my crate be?
5' wide x 5' high x 8' long; maximum weight must not exceed 600 lbs. Refer to the Exhibitor Service Manual. Pallets or crates that exceed these guidelines will be subject to additional fees.
Is the warehouse temperature controlled?
NO. However, if your product is temperature-sensitive, special provisions may be available. Contact Fern Expositions at 404.921.9904 for more information.
What is drayage?
Drayage is the same as "material handling" and means that once your shipment reaches the dock, Fern Expositions removes it from the truck and transfers it to your booth. At the close of the Show, Fern Expositions transports the packed crates/boxes to the dock and loads them on the outbound carrier. Drayage charges apply. To avoid charges, call AmericasMart Logistics at 877.588.8930 to arrange transportation.
What is a POV, and why am I charged for it?
POV stands for Privately Owned Vehicle and they require more time and labor on-site to move-in. See the Exhibitor Service Manual for complete POV information.
What happens when I arrive at the marshalling yard/loading dock?
At the marshaling yard, the POV will obtain a "Dock Access Pass," then will be directed to the first available loading dock. Exhibitors arriving at the loading dock without a pass will be refused and directed to the marshaling yard. Dock access is limited to loading and unloading ONLY. Parking is NOT permitted on the loading dock. Violators will be towed.
What if my booth is not set up by 2 p.m. on the final day of set-up?
Is that a "firm" time? YES. We must adhere to this timeline to prepare the exhibit halls for the 9 a.m. opening day of Market. Failure to comply with this deadline will result in losing your first-night free booth vacuuming. If your booth does not contain freight and has not been set-up by 2 p.m. on the mandatory designated day (one day before opening Market day), show management reserves the right to re-sell this space with no refund or transfer of funds to the exhibitor that hasn't set up.
What's a good hotel to stay at during the Show?
There are a variety of excellent hotels to choose from downtown and in the popular Buckhead and Midtown neighborhoods. For reservations, great rates and hotel extras, make your travel plans through AmericasMart Housing Services by calling 800.241.6405 or visit AmericasMart.com/Hotels. Save on car rentals, airfare, and parking, too!
Where is a good place to eat during the Show?
During markets, you can stay right in our buildings to eat—there are food service locations throughout all three buildings; check The Atlanta Market Buyer's Guide for details or check out the Online Dining Guide. Or, ask your sales manager or customer service representative to suggest a restaurant.
Where do you suggest we eat after Show hours?
A great way to try Atlanta's many delicious restaurants is to check out our guide to some of the city's best eats. Get directions, info, phone numbers to make reservations, and more.
How do I get my product to the Show?
Refer to shipping information in the Exhibitor Service Manual or contact AmericasMart Logistics at 877.588.8930.
Can I sell my samples at the end of the Show?
NO. In keeping with the wholesale nature of the Show, the sale of samples/product during the Show is expressly prohibited. Immediate product release is allowed ONLY in the ANTIQUES and Cash & Carry sections. See Exhibitor Rules & Regulations in the Exhibitor Service Manual.
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